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Джонни Депп исполняет в суде Nothing Else Matters и выигрывает дело


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“I want Starfield to be a huge hit. I’m talking this fall’s Hogwarts Legacy.” >Todd, you can’t just replicate that kind of success. That game had a whole antiboycott movement that started over transphobia allegations “Does that fat guy in the dress still work here?” ($) Victoria O@EuphoriTori •

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Hey I hate to be that guy or whatever but I don't really think this is an appropriate image to meme-ify. Given that the original is a depiction of the violent racism faced by Japanese immigrants in 1920's america, and that it contains racial slurs (some of which are still visible on the signs in

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u.s. Mysterious Masked Man Fights Off Masked Men To Save Masked Man NEW YORK, NY—An unknown masked man was attacked by a group of masked men, but he was saved when a mysterious masked man fought off the attackers. "Who was that masked man?" asked a masked bystander. "And the other masked men?"

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Доспех дофина Франции, впоследствии короля Генриха II.

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We Asked Kids: "What do you think about the World Today?" Their Answers Will Stun You Emilia, 10: "Every time you drink water out of a plastic bottle, you can taste the plastic. Not enough people are worried about that." "I've watched hours of violent footage of the 2014 Kiev protests with a

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Todd K. Baxter SHERIFF Korey Brown UNDEKSHEKJKF We have been made aware of multiple coyotes sightings within Monroe County. Typically coyotes are nocturnal, but It Is not uncommon to see them during the day. Merely seeing one Is NOT reason to call 911. However, there are certain behaviors that

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Парад финских войск в Выборге, 31 августа 1941 года.

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