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There Is Hate by Pluton svea on Grooveshark

when i was five years old, my mother said to me:
never trust a guke boy,for a nigger stole my lsd.
now i see that my mother she was right
'cuz for my lovely rase im gonna fight
nigger nigger nigger, don't stay up to late.
as long as there is niggas there is hate.

now i see that my mother she was right
'cuz for my lovely rase im gonna fight
nigger nigger nigger don't stay up to late
as long as there is niggas there is hate.

now i tell my own son, who's growing up to be a man.
don't hang around with niggas,so please be a mamber of ku klux klan.
but my son just staring at me,and said that black is beauty show ever jelasy.
nigger nigger nigger don't stay up to late
as long as there is niggas there is hate
nigger nigger nigger don't stay up to late
as long as there is niggas there is hate
as long as there is niggas there is hate
i said as long as there is niggas there is hate.
личное,расизм,песочница,занимательный английский

личное,расизм,песочница,занимательный английский
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♦дохлая жена^ @mrsbackstab сегодня в 01:11
Вот смотрите: bullshit - это пиздеж, dogshit - сделано из говна и палок, batshit - поехавшая ебанина, apeshit - распсиховаться, horseshit - бред сивой кобылы. То есть, в сортах говна все-таки стоит разбираться, если тебе нужен контекст.
'd 211 ф 1724

twitter интернет сорта говна занимательный английский

♦дохлая жена^ @mrsbackstab сегодня в 01:11 Вот смотрите: bullshit - это пиздеж, dogshit - сделано из говна и палок, batshit - поехавшая ебанина, apeshit - распсиховаться, horseshit - бред сивой кобылы. То есть, в сортах говна все-таки стоит разбираться, если тебе нужен контекст. 'd 211 ф 1724
CplCaboose55 • lh If it's black, attack.
If It's brown, get down.
If it's white, goodnight.
... O	♦ 66 +
TheYoungWolfO • 48m
A WARNING A : This is only applicable to bears, not humans.
O	♦ Vote +

приколы для образованных даунов со знанием английского советы минутка расизма pun intended advice moment of racism

CplCaboose55 • lh If it's black, attack. If It's brown, get down. If it's white, goodnight. ... O ♦ 66 + TheYoungWolfO • 48m A WARNING A : This is only applicable to bears, not humans. O ♦ Vote +
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