~z>gmail.com> I want to post this prom photo of me and my friend but he’s dabbing. Could you Phot / фотошоп :: James Fridman

James Fridman фотошоп 
~z>gmail.com> I want to post this prom photo of me and my friend but he’s dabbing. Could you Photoshop it so that he’s not dabbing anymore? Thanks! James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> He’s not dabbing anymore.,James Fridman,фотошоп
~z>gmail.com> I want to post this prom photo of me and my friend but he’s dabbing. Could you Photoshop it so that he’s not dabbing anymore? Thanks! James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> He’s not dabbing anymore.
James Fridman,фотошоп
Еще на тему
Шо такое даббинг?
даббинг - ну это когда ты ведешь себя как долбоеб.
А, так вот как называется то, чем ты занимаешься
Это называется деддинг
Не, это называется атенш вхоринг.
Когда ты занюхиваешь локоть или подмышку
Зига по-молодёжному
Жду пока прогрузится картинка
У меня на 15 минуте подгрузилась, ну и рожу ему нафотошопили
Ну ты и пидор
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Brinley to me "r @gmail.com> James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> Hi James I love your work! I love this picture Fixed, but my stupid self couldn’t hold the 1 the right way. Could you fix it?

James Fridman Photoshop без перевода James Fridman Photoshop

Brinley to me "r @gmail.com> James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> Hi James I love your work! I love this picture Fixed, but my stupid self couldn’t hold the 1 the right way. Could you fix it?
Ôtoà fjamie013 Robert Pearman Hi James, I love this photo of me and my girlfriend but I'm worried about sending it to my family. Can you make it a bit less revealing please? James Fridman O ^ @fjamie013 Of course.

James Fridman фотошоп без перевода James Fridman Photoshop

Ôtoà fjamie013 Robert Pearman Hi James, I love this photo of me and my girlfriend but I'm worried about sending it to my family. Can you make it a bit less revealing please? James Fridman O ^ @fjamie013 Of course.
fjam¡e013 Halil Cl @gma¡l.com> to me ▼ James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> Hello James, Sure, buddy, but I think you’ve picked the wrong one. I need your help, because I’m not able to reach the drainer.

James Fridman фотошоп без перевода

fjam¡e013 Halil Cl @gma¡l.com> to me ▼ James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> Hello James, Sure, buddy, but I think you’ve picked the wrong one. I need your help, because I’m not able to reach the drainer.
I fjam¡e013 Johnny @gmail.com> to me ▼ Hi James, i look handsome on this photo. But I was cheated by my ex gf, can you remove her from the picture? I would like to post it. She's the one in a yellow dress. Thank you Jamie r' James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> There you go, handsome.

James Fridman фотошоп handsome без перевода

I fjam¡e013 Johnny @gmail.com> to me ▼ Hi James, i look handsome on this photo. But I was cheated by my ex gf, can you remove her from the picture? I would like to post it. She's the one in a yellow dress. Thank you Jamie r' James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> There you go, handsome.
fjamie013 Alyssa Leonard to me ▼ @gmail.com> James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> Hello! He isn’t squinting anymore. I would absolutely love it if you could maybe fix my fiance’s photo so that he isn’t squinting anymore? Love your twitter posts by the way they are so funny! v

James Fridman фотошоп приколы для даунов со знанием английского,#Приколы для даунов со знанием английского

fjamie013 Alyssa Leonard to me ▼ @gmail.com> James Fridman <fjamie013@gmail.com> Hello! He isn’t squinting anymore. I would absolutely love it if you could maybe fix my fiance’s photo so that he isn’t squinting anymore? Love your twitter posts by the way they are so funny! v